Happy spring, cuties! Can you believe that Mother’s Day is right around the corner? Last year around this time, the world was grappling with the fact that COVID and an era of distancing and remote work was here to stay for the foreseeable future, I was feeling particularly emotional and sentimental about my relationship with my own wonderful mother and how grateful I am for her, so I decided to celebrate Mother’s Day here on The Kuotes blog by posting a series of questions I sat down and asked her about life and motherhood (you can read that here).
So this year in advance of Mother’s Day (on May 9 for anyone who still needs to snap up a gift for mom!), I decided to continue the tradition of bringing my family members into the blog by posing some fun questions to my 8-year-old daughter Maya!
I’ve also taken some time to call out a few of my favorite items from our annual Mother’s Day Gift Guide.
I hope you enjoy this sweet Q&A with my darling daughter and No. 1 KKH Cutie!
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How do you think the two of us are most alike and the most different?
Everything–haha–we’re both awesome! We’re kinda smart–[insert smirk here!]–we like to ride bikes, go on swings, listen to reggae, pop, and rock music, and we’re both dog-lovers. We’re both funny. We both care about other people. We’re really not very different. I think we’re the exact same person!
What do you think I was like when I was your age?
I think you never met a dog you didn’t love and had to pet every dog? I’m pretty sure you loved drawing and art, you loved the park and the swings, you loved water and the pool, and I’m pretty sure you DO NOT like slime! [KK Note: She is dead on here!]
What is your favorite activity we do together when we have family time together?
I love it when we cuddle, when we read, when you give me huggies, and when we play piano together. I also love making music, playing the hand pan, watching the “Great British Baking Show,” playing Zelda together, and sunset “magic time” along the West Side Highway Park where you run and I skateboard with Didi.
What do you think about my work?
I think that you work too much! Sigh… I know that you sell furniture and design houses? And you’re on that game Design Home which is so fun!
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What do you think you might want to be and do when you’re a grown-up (there can be more than one thing!)?
I want to be a Navy SEAL, or a professional soccer player. I want to be a Navy SEAL because I want to help people in danger. I want to be a professional soccer player because I think it’s fun to play soccer.
Who are your heroes and role models?
My role models are the soccer players Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe, and my Mom and Dad.
If we could go anywhere in the world for a family vacation, where would you choose and what would we do?
I want to go to the Amazon Jungle to meet animals and camp there. Maybe I could sleep with a kitty-cat tiger with long fur.
As my daughter, what does Mother’s Day mean to you as a holiday?
Mother’s Day is a special day when you should thank your mom for giving birth to you! Thank you, mom!
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